Although the title of my post is a very popular song by 2 of my favorite artists, Bon Jovi and Jennifer Nettles of Sugarland. My title has an unfortunate bad connotation. Yes, I realize I post a lot of negative stories/topics but soon, there will be extremely awesome and happy ones.
Story time,
I am from a 2-mile town. We have a lot of people but we are crammed. I went to a predominately wealthy high school where all the cliques ended up at the same colleges (mostly community college). I don't think for one second in high school that I wanted to be like them because 7 out of 10 times, the "wealthy" were getting the cops at their houses for parties or in detention for being morons.
I only like coming back to my hometown for the 1 reason of seeing my mother. Freshmen year of college (Fall '09), I came back and attempted to see high school friends. Saw them for about 2 hours, some I would've loved to have seen again but scheduling was off. Others, I haven't seen or spoken to them since, which, I am 100% okay with.
The friends I like who still live in town, I give them adequate notice of when I am coming and how long I am staying. They pull that "let's get together" crap until the day I get here then nothing. They don't reply to text messages whether 1 of us initiates the conversation. At this point in my life, I don't really care anymore. I have officially given up on Lake Mary/Orlando.
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