Wednesday, May 11, 2016

I wrote a book! 📖📚📓

So I've been planning this project announcement for about a month now. I've been too chicken to actually post about it in fear of judgement and bullying. If I lose friends over it, then too bad.

📚📚📚 Book lovers!! For the last year and a half I have been writing my first novel and working on a few others. I may not be the best writer in world. I may not be the most creative writer in the world. But guess what? I wrote one anyway. Some people may be embarrassed for writing in the romance genre, but I'm not. I enjoyed creating a love between two people who deserve it. 

I have decided to release this summer. There are still a few things on my to-do list, but I plan on keeping my progress updated on all of my social media. I will be going back to blogging. My blogs will consist of rantings and updates. 

I'll admit I am terrified of my book not being good enough. I work two jobs, go to the gym regularly, and had to fight through ADD to finish. It's hard to step away from a project you've worked on for so long. 

Please keep reading and following me through this journey. 

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